Chalene Johnson
1. Drink less. Avoid calorie-laden beverages like alcohol, egg nog,
peppermint lattes and hot chocolate. Permanently attach a bottle of water to
your hand from Thanksgiving until January 1st. One cocktail is fine. But keep in
mind, alcohol usually makes you less attractive, less articulate, less
responsible, and more likely to overeat. Cheers!
2. Bake less. One of the sneakiest ways calories creep up on us is via
the mixing bowl! Avoid volunteering to bake your famous snicker doodle
cheesecake and you’ll instantly cut down on unneeded stress and calories.
3. Be fashionably late. This accomplishes two things. One, the less time
you spend at the party, the less time you spend with a plate of cheese stuffed
mini-quiche and uncomfortable small talk with the boss. Two, the more guests
there before you, the less food available when you arrive.
4. Throw away leftovers. I know your Mother would “gasp” at such a
wasteful suggestion. I’ll let you in on a little secret, that half-eaten pumpkin
pie is not exactly what the local food bank had in mind. Toss it and get over
it. Your neighbor brings over a delicious plate of cookies. Take a nibble and
toss the rest! She’ll never know the difference and your thighs will thank you.
5. Amp up your workouts. Many Americans excuse themselves from healthy
eating and regular workouts because, “it’s that time of year”. Poor choice.
Rather than skipping workouts, intensify yours. Holidays are when you really
need the mood enhancing, stress busting effects of exercise more than ever. You
deserve it. You’ll be more proficient because of it, so make time to do it!
6. Enjoy a taste. Some do well by swearing off “forbidden” foods, but for
many of us that notion only leads to bingeing or a feeling of deprivation. If
that’s the case, allow yourself the treat, just make it a small portion and
account for it during your next Cardio Party!.
7. Scrap the “dieters mentality”. I forbid you to say these 5 little
words ever again, “I’m starting my diet tomorrow.” This mentality leads people
to believe that healthy eating is all or nothing. Have a cookie or two, but
catch yourself before you slip into the “Oh, I’ve blown it so now I might as
well have 10 more!” way of thinking. That mentality is the root of all yo-yo
dieting. Think of your eating as a way of life, not a diet. Enjoy the occasional
treat, but do so in moderation.