
This article is about muscle cramping, a common fitness dilemma. Muscle cramps may hinder the fitness goals of athletes, health buffs, and other individuals. Creatine monohydrate is a food supplement that may prevent the development of muscle cramps. However, like other medication and supplement creatine monohydrate should be used properly to avoid side effects.

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This article deals with
cramps, fatigue, treatment, diet

Muscle cramps is one of the dilemmas faced by many athletes and fitness buffs. Muscle cramps are involuntary contraction of the muscles that affect a specific part or an entire group of muscles. It may occur many times before it is relieved. Sometimes there can be simultaneous cramps that move body parts in opposite directions. Statistics show that about 95% of individuals experience muscle cramps at some point of their lives.
Muscle cramps can be caused by different factors which may include poor flexibility, muscle fatigue, electrolyte and mineral depletion, and many more. Other factors that may contribute to muscle cramping may include excessive physical exertion, dehydration, and electrolyte (minerals in the blood that carry energy) depletion. In addition to these causes, muscle cramps can be linked to some factors like improper breathing and unhealthy diets.
Another factor that health specialists consider is a complication of haemodialysis. Haemodialysis is the process where the blood is cleansed of toxins, extra salts, and fluids. This process maintains blood pressure and proper balance of chemicals like potassium, sodium, and chloride. The exact process of this complication is still unknown. The disturbance of muscle energy metabolism may take place as a result of haemodialysis. Creatine monohydrate supplements can be taken to enhance muscle metabolism and may prevent the development of muscle cramps.
Creatine monohydrate may increase the availability of instant energy and increase muscle strength. When used properly, this supplement may enable individuals to run faster, lift more weights, and perform strenuous activities longer. It may enable individuals who lift weights to add about 10% to their strength. For example, if a normal lifter can usually lift 100 pounds with added creatine it may improve to 110 pounds. Another benefit of taking creatine monohydrate is it will make the body look bigger and firmer. This happens because more fluids are forced into the muscles.
However, one concern of some researchers is the continuous supplementation of creatine of the body from synthetic sources may lower its ability to produce creatine on its own. Side effects of creatine monohydrate may include muscle cramps, nausea, diarrhea, and increased risk of muscle strain. In addition, short-term or long-term creatine supplementation may magnify kidney stress. To minimize the health risks of creatine monohydrate supplementation, health professionals advise users to take this supplement in monthly intervals. For example, after using creatine monohydrate for two months, refrain from using supplementation for two months and so on.
Because of creatine monohydrate is a dietary supplement that is designed to enhance athletic performance, it has been used as a substitute for steroids. A number of athletes and health buffs who would not try steroids claim to have used creatine monohydrate to enhance athletic performance. However, like other supplementation, high creatine levels in the body may have numerous unwanted effects. Rather than using supplementation for muscle cramp treatment, engaging in proper workout, and pre-workout routines like stretching may eliminate or lessen the occurrence of this health ailment. Though the use of creatine monohydrate is not prohibited, individuals who wish to try them should seek the approval of doctors and other health professionals before using them.