Undeniably the people surrounding my life have, at one time or another, had their finger on the pulse of humanity’s future. Oddly enough for a nutritionist, over the past 20 years I have been keen to expand my knowledge of the renewable energy field while also being in a position to learn from physicians, doctors and psychologists too. In fact, being able to witness scientists experimenting in natural energy as well as natural nutrition has provided a tremendous opportunity for me to merge this knowledge and arrive at this conclusion: we appear to be creating our own dis-eases through our inability to trust the natural resources our planet offers on a plate.
Over time, as my understanding of this became clearer, aspects of the alternative – rather than conventional – health arena took my attention away from the planet to focus on healing the body. During this path of discovery one prevalent argument, upheld by millions but practiced by few, has continuously come to the fore – that nothing can be taken for granted. That this view and attitude is not generally upheld by society with regard to health issues is distressing. Frequently it tends to be sidelined as a secondary subject, even to the extent of embarrassment, even though everyone I have come into contact with has experienced one or more of the following problems: a pain in the neck, aching joints, a constantly blocked nose, an allergy of some kind, digestive failure, lack of concentration, fatigue and bowel disorders. That’s without mentioning ailments arising from psychological damage, such as the ever-increasing statistics of depression and anxiety prevalent in a modern society.
Putting this knowledge aside for a moment, many are aware that our bones, muscles, joints, blood and the sticky membranes that keep it all together, need nutrients and minerals to sustain their very being. And we all know that our planet requires particular atmospheric conditions to keep it in perpetual balance. While examining these facts, it became clear to me that our earth and our bodies have at their core, one common denominator: the energy they need to produce to keep it in tip top condition. Strange then, that it is only when that fragile energy producer fails (i.e. poisons in our food and drink or toxins in our atmosphere), that urgent attention is sought to ease the situation.
Generally, people are more aware now than say, fifty years ago, of what can be done by the individual to prevent ‘rather than fix’ a problem occurring. Eliminating toxins has become the prime subject on most people’s lips. Toxins are inevitably invited into our bodies and can systematically pulverise the most perfect of all creations. These odd sounding substances have received a huge amount of press in recent months, but does anyone truly know what they are, where they originate or how they get into our bodies? Spare yourself a few minutes by answering the following questions. From them you may be able discover if your body is suffering from a toxic overload

Are you tired for no apparent reason?
Are you more immobile than you used to be?
Are you irritable without good reason?
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Does your life feel pointless?
Does your head feel light or dizzy on occasions?
Does the thought of learning new things trouble you?
Do you express anxiety over the smallest of events?
Do you have a new sofa/chair?
Do you have your clothes dry cleaned regularly?
Do you use a spray air-freshener?
Do you swim in a pool with strong chlorine?
Do you use your mobile telephone often?
Do you have central heating?
Do you drink alcohol regularly?
Do you smoke?
Do you eat mostly convenience or packaged foods?
Do you have mostly white bread or buns in your larder?
Do you lounge around instead of going out for a brisk walk occasionally?
Do you live near a farmer,s field that is sprayed with pesticides?
Do you use fertilisers on your garden?
Do you use bleach, detergent, household cleaners and disinfectants?
Do you live near an overhead power cable?
Do you cook with the microwave?
Do you work on a computer most days?
Do you use florescent light at any time during the day?
Do you drink tap water?

All of these situations invite unnatural substances into your body – which inevitably lead you to experience toxic overload. From the list of questions, if you answered only eight with a yes, inevitably your body will be suffering.
Remember those scientist guys I worked with? At one time or another they all observed a consistent pattern emerging when the body is bombarded by food, energy or chemicals that are not natural. I repeat; saying yes, to only eight of the questions above means your body will become clogged up and will find the ability to fight off any ailments, greatly reduced. Added to all these alien substances, you must admit we have gotten into a relatively fast pace of life – compared to, say, in 1905.
So, how do you get out of this toxic cycle? How can you eliminate harmful substances from your blood? In effect, what can you do to de-tox? Well, Carole Vordaman is a good advocate for detoxing substances with her special diet plan while another good option is in undertaking ‘The Good Life’! People residing in the UK (and those who have access to satellite TV), will probably be aware of the old 70,s comedy where two affable folk give up their hectic lives to free them from the ‘rat race’ and grow their own. What this generally means is going right back to the natural basics. Not literally tilling the earth with the Oxen and plough, on the contrary! You don’t have to grow your own to get the good stuff inside you. However, by making a positive decision in this area you will need to be meticulously aware of the products you’re putting in your shopping basket. For instance, in order to help your body de-tox itself, you need to go for natural every time. That even means buying locally grown foods, rather than packaged items that are from far flung places you’ve never heard of and also eating your fruit and veg in season. You need to train yourself to eat as many raw, rather than cooked, veggies as you can get inside you – after all cavemen didn’t have cookers and we still don’t know how long they lived (hang on, I’ll get an Anthropologist/scientist friend of mine onto it right away!). You’ll need to drink fresh, natural juices and eliminate the sweetened or condensed kind that line the supermarket shelves in their hundreds. And I really need to say this: go organic. Even drinking bottled water will be preferable to taking the tap. Tap water has an immense list of additives put into it in order to purify and clean it, as it needs to make its way through an endless maze of lead, plastic and copper pipes hundreds of feet below us, not to mention the fact that it’s been recycled several times! Incidentally, I’ve read that the Thames water in London goes through at least seven people before it gets to you – please do correct me if you know I’m wrong!
But doesn’t this all this seem like a lot of trouble to go through? Aren’t you creating more stress for yourself while wondering what’s good and what’s bad? None of us wants to give up our central heating, fluorescent lighting nor a comfy new sofa – we shouldn’t have to if they make our stressful lives a little less so. However, as with all good things in this modern world of ours, there is another way. It’s a way that couldn’t be simpler if you tried to hunt it down in caveman-like fashion yourself.
You can de-tox your body by investing in some Eastern complementary therapy pads that you simply stick on your feet. At night, while you sleep, they do all the hard work by drawing out the harmful substances. By the way, those marvellous reflexologists have known for years that different parts of the feet relate to different organs in the body. With the pads on your feet you’ll be sucking out the toxins from those specific organs without you even having to try – and you’ll even get a refreshing reflexology treatment at the same time! This wonderful little product created by two Japanese scientists (who, by the way, I haven’t met yet), contains a neat little bag mixed full of natural extracts derived from our dear old mother earth, namely; Bamboo and Wood Vinegar, Ground Crystal Tourmaline, Agaricus Mushroom to mention a few. Marvellous creation when you think about it. As are our bodies!
So, this is by far an easier way to help your body cope – and with these pads you can prepare it for battle against the onslaught of chemicals and fungicides that are continuously being flung at it through the atmosphere you’re breathing every day – not to mention the food you’re eating. All while you’re indulging in a peaceful dreamland and that’s another beneficial side-effect as they do tend to offer a restful night’s sleep as well.
I hasten to add; according to those scientists guys (researchers in alternative energy and healing), these pads make a tremendous difference in eliminating those aches and pains, stiffness, soreness and general lethargy. I know, I’ve been fortunate enough to try them myself and, as a result, I’ve boosted my own metabolism through using them.
Knowing this, together with all the information I’ve gathered from both areas of energy production, I’ve learned that the science of body and earth research has well and truly merged! Besides, while individuals are merely offering themselves as another daunting statistic on the NHS waiting list, what is there to lose by trying them? You can check them out for yourself at BESTherapies3.com under the link: Detox with E-Tox!