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In terms of psychology, the most important here is privacy and even intimacy of lives of house dwellers.

living room, dining room, bedroom, house, house planning, organizing a space, interior, design, open housing space, living room, kitchen, study, partition walls, curtain walls, glass panels

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For example, a living room cannot be altogether a dining room, a bedroom cannot serve a function of a study at the same time. In terms of psychology, the most important here is privacy and even intimacy of lives of house dwellers. On the contrary, an open interior is a designer’s realization of conception of an available society showing off its life, active, dynamic and communicative style of behaviour and, probably, the priority of social and business interests over the personal ones. Nowadays this type of house structuring is realized by way of flexible house planning, organizing a space which can be clearly seen from any place, which is divided not into rooms but into functional areas. Two centuries ago architects reached this type by creating an enfilade of adjacent rooms.
The problem of what type of planning to choose when creating harmonising interior can be solved very easily. Those who prefer loneliness, who avoid noisy parties and social contacts, will be satisfied with a close interior. And people who got used to be in the centre of attention, who strive for widening the circle of acquaintances, often associate such a choice with a psychological solitary confinement. Developing the design of a stimulating interior requires much more responsible and creative approach. It goes without saying that the shock therapy tactics is inappropriate here. Compensatory psychotherapeutic idea of stimulating design is realized by way of efficient use of two basic techniques: combination of close or open interior and some intermediate variant – half-open housing space. Let’s try to see everything in practice.
Suppose the task is in creating a stimulating interior for a person who experiences some difficulties due to his being unsociable, uncommunicative, being plunged into himself all the time. The first method is to create a single open space instead of a number of separate common rooms (for example, a living room, a kitchen and a study) with one isolated room serving a harmonizing element. The second method is in partial limiting the degree of isolation of each of the rooms when massive walls are replaced by light transforming partition walls, curtain walls or glass panels. An approach to planning the stimulating interior for a person with impetuous, choleric temperament will be quite opposite by its goals but will have much in common with the previous variant by its practical realization. Dominating here will be the tendency of enforcing and dividing single space areas by mobile partitions which visually reduce the volume of a separate room but do not make an impression of a completely isolated room.
Also very important is to think over a colour palette of decoration, general style of the premises as well as furniture and separate objects. With a psychological approach to interior designing this is the most important stage. There is no universal formula here. It is possible to give general recommendations, but only proceeding from a conventional division of temperaments into cholerics, sanguines, melancholics and phlegmatics and their psychoemotional characteristics. As an alternative modern psychology suggests similar gradation into extraverts and introverts of active and passive types. It is clear that each type is very rare in its pure form – temperaments of most personalities can be referred to the mixed type.