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If you are anything like me, you are always aware of and very concerned with the atmosphere of the place you’re in. It doesn’t matter whether you are in your bedroom, your office, or in a coffee shop. You are easily affected by the atmosphere around you and you are pretty particular about the way things look, the way things smell and even the way things are arranged around you. Sound familiar? I live every moment of every day being nagged by my desire to have the perfect atmo…


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If you are anything like me, you are always aware of and very concerned with the atmosphere of the place you’re in. It doesn’t matter whether you are in your bedroom, your office, or in a coffee shop. You are easily affected by the atmosphere around you and you are pretty particular about the way things look, the way things smell and even the way things are arranged around you. Sound familiar? I live every moment of every day being nagged by my desire to have the perfect atmosphere no matter what situation I find myself in.
For a long time my desire for a particular atmosphere was a source of frustration to me. I wanted to stop caring so much if the furniture wasn’t arranged just so or if the paint color on the wall didn’t meet my expectations. And while I will obviously never be able to control every atmosphere I find myself in, I decided to start doing small things in any place that I could make changes, and this has made a huge difference for me.
One of the biggest things that affects me about any atmosphere is the lighting. I cannot stand being in a room that is filled with florescent lights and I hate it when natural sunlight is shut out of any room. I think that any atmosphere is made better by natural lighting and by lamps when there is a lack of natural light. I began adding a lamp or two to every room of my house and office so that I would feel comfortable and absolutely peaceful in each of both of these places. I’d encourage anyone who cares about atmosphere to invest in great lamps. They bring uniqueness, beauty, and great light into any space.
Another main thing for me with atmosphere is color. I rarely like to be somewhere that everything is white. I’m usually up for even a little bit of color on the wall, in furntiture or even just in accessories. Most homes, offices, churches, and stores could benefit greatly from choosing a great color scheme and sticking with it. I see so many spaces that are decorated with mismatching colors and it just makes the atmosphere awful. Add a little color to your walls and see what it does to the atmosphere of your space.
The third huge thing that makes or breaks an atmosphere for me is the smell. I have a pretty sensitive nose, so I’m always aware of whether a space smells good or bad. One of the best things my wife ever did was invest in some amazing scented candles that she spread throughout our home. I love the smell of our living room after a candle has been burning for a couple of hours. I take every chance to open our windows and let in the smells of nature. Oh what a difference a cool breeze or the smell of a fresh batch of cookies makes to any atmosphere. Find simple ways to make your space smell better.
I am really affected by the atmosphere I’m in. Fortunately, I’ve learned that an atmosphere can be changed with just a few small things. Take my advice: atmosphere matters. Do what it takes to enjoy the places you dwell.