Although there has been suspicion for years that air pollution does more to the body than what was known, it was not until recently that researchers in California discovered something quite significant. Through in-depth studies, these experts found that microscopic particles in the atmosphere can have the capability of disrupting some of the inner mechanics of cellular structure. With this information, researchers now understand why the urban haze produced by air pollutants is so harmful to humans.
How do these particles get past our bodies natural defenses and into our cells?
The scientists now know that even the smallest of particles found in smoke and dust can lead to cell injury, thanks to the extensive research. These particles are so minuscule, that they simply go past the body’s natural defense system. The study also showed that these small particles are capable of traveling well past the bloodstream and lungs, penetrating within the cells. The pollutants then accumulate within a critical area, which is responsible for powering the cell, as well as helping it maintain function. Unfortunately, when this cellular component becomes damaged from the air pollutants, numerous diseases can develop.
Where do these particles come from?
If you have ever traveled to Los Angeles, Detroit, Phoenix, or other large cities, then you have noticed a gray-like haze that lingers overhead. It is this particle pollution that causes so much trouble. In fact, this very haze has now been directly linked with problems such as children missing school, shorter life spans, cancer, reduced level of lung function, more hospital admittances, heart disease, and aggravated respiratory illnesses. Because of this, strict rules have now been implemented by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for creating methods in order to reduce air pollutants.
Where do we go from here?
With the new regulations for all types of air pollutants, the EPA now estimates that more than 15,000 premature deaths and 350,000 cases of asthma will be prevented. Additionally, this agency estimates that approximately one million children will be spared problems with lung or respiratory problems just in the next 15 years. Even so, there still remains the mystery of which particle types cause which health problems. What researchers know is that the air is filled with all sorts of particles and many different sizes. The goal is to identify how each of these particles affects the body so the appropriate measures can be taken. However, this new research does identify that even the smallest air particle can have an adverse effect on the body.
New studies to further knowledge…
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This study went on to show that when exposed to air pollutants, the cell wall of the mitochondria was damaged. With this, the “fuel” production was stopped and instead, other chemicals were produced, which creates the inflammation of the mitochondria and ultimately, the damage to the cell. With this information, top scientists realized that the past efforts to clean up air pollution did not focus on the small particles and the danger they impose.
The thing to remember is that the cell’s mitochondrial is similar to a battery. If it becomes damaged, the cell will die. The reason this is so crucial is that what scientists now know is that the small particles are actually better at causing damage, meaning the ultra-fine particles should be a primary focus because of the extensive toxicity and ability to cause stress to the body’s cells.
Protecting the air for tomorrow…
If you consider that the sky can change from a bright blue to a dull gray simple because of air pollution, you can only imagine what these particles can do when inhaled. What is so fascinating is that these particles that can be so damaging to the cellular system are actually microscopic pieces that range anywhere from broken up tire fragments to acid droplets. Then, these are measured in microns, which is a unit of measurement the same to one-millionth of a meter. Considering that the human hair is approximately 50 microns in diameter and that some of these inhaled air pollutants are 0.003 microns, it is easier to understand how they enter the cellular system in the first place.
There are still a lot of questions about air pollution and the body’s cells but because research is now showing a direct correlation, it is believed that even more research will be conducted to narrow the types of particles down to specific damage. Although this type of research takes years, it does show that researchers and scientists are on the right track.