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If ceramic tile, false ceiling, laminate etc. “dress” your kitchen walls, floor and ceiling, than lighting fills all the space inside. Lightness influences not only cosiness, but also your appetite

kitchen installation, kitchen remodelin, kitchen renovation

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If ceramic tile, false ceiling, laminate etc. “dress” your kitchen walls, floor and ceiling, than lighting fills all the space inside. Lightness influences not only cosiness, but also your appetite. There should be neither too much light (lest it blinds you), nor too little of it. The best version is a lighting created by several ceiling spotlights, not a single one in the centre of the kitchen. Fixed or spinning in several directions spotlight sources should be used.
If your kitchen is very small, it is better not to fill it with the general light, but fix the spotlight sources above the main functional areas: sink, table, bar (if there is such). The frequent alternative is spotlights installation in the upper cPDD1 of the overhead cupboard, if there is such. Or, it is possible to set several ceiling spotlights fixed above the functional area.
The natural addition to the main lighting is inner lighting of cupboards with half-transparent doors. In this case, local light sources should be set in a strictly defined place on a required level. For example, for providing even light distribution along the functional surface, they are built-in under cupboards. In this case, it is better to use an elongated lamp that is compact and almost unnoticeable.
If functional area is an island kitchen type, the only place for setting the lighting is ceiling. In this case, long-wired lamp with dispersing metal lampshade is the best. Strong directional light above the table (if it is not situated near the wall) can be provided by a single lamp with possibility of height regulation: this helps to create a certain atmosphere.
Arranging the furniture.
Large kitchen size, as well as too small one, creates problems. In spacious kitchens the distance between objects may be so big, that a housewife, moving from stove to sink, from fridge to table, from table to stove, gets tired quickly. It happens, that in spite of buying the multisectional furniture set, one has to move in the kitchen very carefully, in order not to overturn something. It so happens, that money is spent for needless meters of shelves and cupboards, and the comfort has not been achieved. In fact, guarantee of comfort is a reasonable treatment of every square centimeter in the kitchen area. For effective use of the kitchen space, it necessary to follow the functional places sequence according to cooking technology:
Fridge, situated in the food keeping area. Place for preliminary peeling. Food washing, in this zone a waste-bucket must be placed. Final cutting, dressing, chopping. Cooking, boiling. Serving.
The majority of modern kitchen planning decisions are based on the “working triangle” principle. Angles of the triangle are formed by three most functional kitchen places: sink, cooking area, food-keeping place. Subject to planning and size of your kitchen, there are several ways of placing this triangle. The best distance between the parts of the triangle is about 3 m.
Placing a kitchen set in one raw is appropriate either in a very small kitchen, or, on the contrary, in a very large one. The sink should be situated between the stove and fridge. For maximizing the working area size, one should use built-in electrical appliances. The rest area is meant for having meals.
If your kitchen is an intercommunicating room, you can place the furniture along two walls. Stove should be situated on one side, and a fridge – on the other. The width of the “aisle” should provide free access to the door and leave enough space for bending.
Angle-like planning is appropriate in a small square room, as well as in rooms with open planning. It is more comfortable to place a sink in the centre of the working triangle.
One of the most rational planning types with much space for cooking and serving meals is placing furniture along three walls. Kitchen sink is usually in the centre, stove and fridge stand in the corners. Optimal width of middle part of the furniture set should be not less than 2,5m and the vacant space between the sides 1,2 – 2,8m. Smaller sizes create a narrowness, bigger – a need to move more.
Half-island kitchen is any planning variant with an additional working surface takeout (ledge). As a rule, the ledge separates kitchen from the dinning room and may be used as a bar.
Making island kitchen requires much space and thorough planning in order to provide movement saving. The professional cooks use such layout, because it is convenient to adjust such kitchen to any operation sequence and long working process. Island kitchen is a usual kitchen with additional sink, stove, or dinning table placed in the center. Optimal island size is 1,2 x 1,2m.
Thus, you have made a list of all kitchen equipment and furniture, mentioning their size, and decided on their layout. Now pay your attention to the technical details, namely: size and place of ventilation, pipes, wiring, outlets, supple gas and water hose, and put all these data into your project plan. If you decided to buy equipment and furniture pieces separately, don’t forget that the depth of the household appliances is usually 600mm, that is why you need to check all the parameters of the things you need.