This article was originally written by ADD Coach Jennifer Koretsky

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Everyone finds themselves stressed out during the holiday season. But for adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), November through January can feel like a whirlwind of tasks and responsibilities. Lack of time management will result in undue pressure and overwhelm for the ADD adult.
One way to take the stress out of the holidays is to plan for them. These simple steps can help the ADD adult manage their time and tasks during the holiday season, thereby relieving unnecessary stress.
Create one hour this week to plan your holiday preparation schedule, and follow these steps:
Step 1 – Make a List of all the Things You Need to Do to Prepare for the Holiday
This probably includes gift shopping, writing and mailing holiday cards, decorating your home, planning your travel, etc. After you have made this list, put a star next to each of the items that you don’t like to do. (Maybe you get bored writing out the holiday cards, or maybe you detest shopping.)
Step 2 – Use a Calendar or Planner
Use something that gives you ample space to write for each day. This could be a wall calendar, a daily planner, or planning software. Begin by writing in all your holiday appointments, such as parties and scheduled shopping trips. Next, write in all the other activities that you have going on during the month, like meetings and appointments. When you’re done, you should have a good idea of where your free time is.
Now, take a look at the items on your holiday to-do list that are not marked with a star, and schedule them in. Do you have a free evening next week in which you can write out your cards? Schedule it on your calendar! Do you have a free Saturday to get your shopping done? Schedule it on your calendar!
Step 3 – Make the Dreaded Tasks Easier
Take a look at all those tasks you marked with a star. These are the tasks that you hate to do for one reason or another. Take a moment to look at each one, and figure out how to make that task a little easier or more bearable. If you hate writing cards because it’s a tedious and boring task, you can make it easier on yourself by inviting a friend over to chat, catch up, and write out cards with you. Hate decorating? Perhaps you can buy a new CD you’ve been wanting and allow yourself to crank it up while you put up the holiday decorations.
Investing just a small amount of time in planning can save you from undue stress and overwhelm during this holiday season.
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