This article was originally written by Leonard Rogalski

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date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:11
I for one am tired of it.
All the so-called experts and guru’s claiming that they know how you have to train to get big and strong.
Yea right, and all ya gotta do is buy this particular supplement that we’re promoting.
Now I’m not going to beat around the bush, I am going to assume that if you are reading this, you want to get big and you want to get strong.
I am also going to assume that you are pretty darn skinny and you probably are young most likely in college.
I don’t mean to insult anyone, but if you aren’t in the single digits of body fat, then this program isn’t for you.
It is for the guy or gal whose metabolism is so fast and so thin that the wind will blow him or her away if he or she misses one meal.
Squats, dead lifts, stiff legged dead lifts (please do these with some bend in the knees despite what the name says) over head presses with dumbbells, bent over rows or one arm rows, incline presses, chins and pull ups, good mornings and slant board sit ups.
That’s it no concentration curls triceps kick backs etc.
Squats 10×3 that’s 10 sets of three reps
Bent over rows 10×3
Over Head presses with dumbbells 10×3
Good Mornings 10×3
Chins as many as you can do
Slant board sits ups go until you feel you only have one or two reps in you then stop
Dead lifts 10×3
One arm rows 10×3
Incline dumbbell presses 10×3
Stiff legged dead lifts 10×3
Pull Ups as many as you can do
Slant board sit ups go until you have one or two reps left in you
Squats 3×3 three sets of three reps with a light weight
Dead lifts 3×3 same as above
Weird lifts
What I mean by weird lifts is simple, farmer’s walks, go out and chop some wood, load up and wheel barrel with weight and see how far you can go with it.
Anything that gets you out of the gym and using your muscles doing ANYTHING BUT LIFTING WEIGHTS
Forget about all of those weird supplements get your self a good multi vitamin and eat plenty of good food, like chicken breasts, lean steak, fish, whole wheat bread, peanut butter, vegetables, etc.
You can throw a little bit of junk in there but keep 90% of you diet comprised of good wholesome food.
Watch you waist, once it goes up two or three inches start cutting back on the food a little bit. Also on you days off do some fast walking, it is good for you, and it will help keep you leaner while you gain weight.
Remember this is a basic outline, feel free to modify it to suit you ability and experience level
Good luck and happy training!
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